
New Year's Eve Full Movie

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Acme reviews from the United states of america

Hope Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2021

five.0 out of 5 stars

Totally Rocked

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This moving-picture show was nonstop action and loads of fun to watch. All the actors were excellent and seemed to enjoy being part of this motion picture. It was light, upbeat, and encouraging, including the song lyrics. I recommend to anybody. Was feeling a little down as I am recovering from knee surgery; this flick lifted me correct out of my dejection. Had a lot of wonderful messages. Give thanks you.🤗

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Bratty Ann Reviewed in the United states of america on January 30, 2022

five.0 out of 5 stars

New year's day'S EVE WOULDN'T Be THE Same WITHOUT New year'South EVE

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This movie is a staple for my New year's day's Eve. The enormous mixed cast: Ashton Kutcher, Lea Michele, Robert DeNiro, Hilary Swank, Halle Berry, Katherine Heigl, Jon Bon Jovi, Zac Efron, Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Duhamel and about a million more, have their own stories to share that I have enjoyed following every New Year's Eve. I haven't managed to figure out my favorite, simply love each story.

TeacherWife Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2012

five.0 out of five stars

Best Picture show I've seen in a Long time!

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I loved this movie! During a summer sadly defective in much substantial cloth (by and large activity/ 'shoot em up' films this year), I was thrilled to observe a conglomeration of great actors and actresses with heartwarming stories. The perfect fit when stress relief is called for- I laughed, and giggled, and shed a few tears, likewise (tears and laughter both being such healthy ways to unwind.)

I loved all the sub plots, and the contest betwixt the couples trying to win the first baby of the new year showed the silliness of homo nature- with a twist at the end that backed up the oral communication Hilary Swank'southward character (from a different subplot) gave. I liked the tie in there. I loved how Sarah Jessica Parker learned that she was more than just a mother; she establish balance between being in that location for her daughter, but learning to live again, herself. I also loved how Halle Drupe'due south graphic symbol brought poignancy to those who take to exist separated during the holidays. (Sniffle.)

I really enjoyed the twist involving Josh Duhamel'southward character and how the separated 'soul mates' observe each other. Robert Dinero is first-class as always, with Katherine Heigle and her co-horts giving me some good laugh out loud moments. I besides liked that there were snapshots of other well known actors and actresses. I exercise love a expert ensemble cast.

All in all, New year's day'due south Eve was a wonderful movie feel. I say, keep the tissues near for the tender moments, but be set for a expert laugh to lighten the mood. And bask!

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Eric Mayforth Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2012

4.0 out of 5 stars

Auld Lang Syne in NYC

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In my much younger days in high school and college, I used to call up it would be absurd to go to Times Foursquare 1 New year'southward Eve to watch the ball drop. Now that I'm heart-aged...not then much. Standing in the common cold (and peradventure pelting or snow) for the amend part of a day doesn't seem about as appealing now--watching the proceedings on boob tube is simply fine.

The ball drop in New York City is known the globe over, and the 2011 film "New Year'due south Eve" follows several individuals and couples in and about the Big Apple as they approach a new twelvemonth. Every bit yous would await in a film similar this, at that place is a great bargain of symbolism--hope and second chances, nascence and death, the quondam looking dorsum and trying to come to terms with regrets from the past, and the young intently focused on the hereafter.

The bandage is first-rate, with Robert De Niro, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, and many more big names--Ryan Seacrest and Michael Bloomberg even make cameo appearances. Even though this is a chick motion-picture show that definitely would not normally appeal to someone in my demographic, the stories are passable plenty if New Year'due south Eve has always been one of your favorite holidays and yous accept always loved the ball drop--and the cinematography of Times Square as midnight approaches is also very well-done.

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Due south. Nelson Reviewed in the United States on Jan 2, 2018

v.0 out of 5 stars

Great New Yr'due south Eve moving picture!

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Nifty New Years picture show. I ain a DVD copy but wanted a digital copy. Sometimes when there are so many well known stars, there isn't much plot. This one, however, had three or four story lines going on related to the ball driblet in Times Foursquare. Written well enough that yous didn't loose ane story to follow some other. Dandy movie, I like to watch it every year, sometimes more! Happy ending--oops spoiled it!

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littlebear Reviewed in the United states of america on April seven, 2022

five.0 out of v stars

Cute Movie

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This is a light, fun movie for anyone looking for a couple of hours of escape. The all star cast is peachy, especially if y'all're a fan of Bon Jovi, Zac Efron or Lea Michele. Information technology'south one of those movies you tin can watch over and over again and still enjoy.

Nicodemus Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2015

iii.0 out of 5 stars

Solidly fun motion picture!

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I loved "Valentine's Day." For those of y'all who don't know, this is the second in a series, with "Valentine'south Day" as the showtime movie. However, I've got to say that this move was a step down from that, or at least a half star down from it. I'm not sure if I would requite this 3 stars or 3.5 if I could, just the premise wasn't quite as fresh and the jokes not quite as strong as "Valentine'southward Day." If you haven't seen either, I suggest starting with that one. That existence said, there are a few deadline hilarious moments in this picture, and the plot is nice and wholesome. It is definitely a fun movie, and I recommend it. It captures nicely the excitement of New year's Eve, although like I said, it is a slightly weaker version of the aforementioned premise of "Valentine'south Day."

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P Magnum Reviewed in the United States on October ix, 2012

2.0 out of 5 stars

Another All Star Cast Holiday Romp

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New year'due south Eve is a by the book romantic comedy brought to from the same squad that made Valentine's Day. Instead of Los Angeles, the scene is NYC with the plot revolving around the traditional dropping of the ball in Times Square. Director Gary Marshall has assembled another all star bandage (including a cameo by his sister Penny who delivers one of the funnier lines in the movie) who mug their way through a drippy plot. The appeal to act in this pic by so many great actors like Robert DeNiro, Hillary Swank, Hallee Berry, Michelle Pfeiffer and the like must be the campy fun they must have had on the set (the closing credits with outtakes and bloopers is funnier than the actual movie). 1 case is Matthew Broderick making a brief appearance as a Mr. Bullerton (get it, haha) and hamming his mode through his lines every bit a big muckety muck. The film could be worse and is a harmless way to spend two hours.

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